Gastroenterology specialist is a doctor who has special expertise in treating various kinds of disorders of the digestive tract, including disorders of the stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, bile, to the rectum. In hospitals, gastroenterology specialists are included in the internal medicine specialist department. To become a specialist gastroenterologist, a general practitioner must undergo a specialist medical education in internal medicine and explore the field of digestive health in the gastroenterohepatology subspecialist (KGEH). The duration of specialist medical education taken varies, but generally 5-6 years. Diseases Treated by Gastroenterology Specialists In general, gastroenterology specialists handle health problems related to the process of digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and expenditure of digestive leftovers from the body. More specifically, there are several conditions that are handled by gastroenterology doctors, including: Gastric ulcer Gastr...